84% of US online shoppers say that friend’s social media posts influence their purchase decisions. In fact, word of mouth has the most influence on purchase decisions today. SiteVibes allows retailers to harness what their shoppers are doing, in real-time, to increase sales. Today we are excited to announce the launch of our User Generated […]
SiteVibes Product Discovery Platform 2.0 is live and we’d love for you to test it out
Today is an exciting day, not only for us but for our customers too. After a lot of amazing feedback, planning, polishing old features to make them new, and adding new features to compliment the old, I am excited to introduce SiteVibes Product Discovery Platform version 2.0. The “new” Product Discovery for e-commerce In my […]
The Future of Black Friday
Black Friday 2020 will be like no other, or will it?
COVID Trends by Generation [Infographic]
Introduction As Millennials become the largest living adult generation, it may be time to revisit your generational marketing plan and see how trends from COVID have changed each generation’s mindset. These trends will change as restrictions related to COVID ease and as the development of a vaccine becomes more imminent. At every major event or […]
Automate Social Proof to Increase Site Engagement and Conversions
“There’s a lot of automation that can happen that isn’t a replacement of humans but of mind-numbing bahavior” Stewart Butterfield, Entrepreneur and businessmanCo-founder of FlickrFounder of Slack Introduction According to Forbes, efficiency is one of the basic objectives of any technology. Automation is one way to achieve optimal efficiency on your website. By automating tedious and repetitive […]
Interactive Content and Why It’s Important
Business relationships start with an interaction. Whether it’s an in-person interaction, online interaction, phone interaction, or even competitive interaction, your relationships begin, and can be strengthened by those interactions. In this age of social distancing, a term that has become popular with the onset of the coronavirus, interactions are becoming more and more necessary, wanted […]
Present Day WYSIWYG
Do you remember WYSIWYG? WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. According to Merriam-Webster, WYSIWYG is a noun that means “a display generated by word-processing or desktop-publishing software that exactly reflects the document as it would appear in its finished state”. The term, becoming popular in the 1980s, gave computer users […]
Social Engagement while Social Distancing
We’re all living through unprecedented times. COVID-19 has thrown the world a huge curveball. We are working hard to socially distance ourselves, physically, from each other, in order to not continue the spread of this deadly virus, while at the same time, we are also craving social engagement from family, friends, and colleagues. Social engagement […]
5 Proven KPI’s to Track in 2020
We all love, and sometimes need, a way to quickly glance at something to make a decision or take an appropriate action. For example, a quick glance at your cell phone will tell you if you’re on schedule and will make the next train. A quick glance at the weather for the day, will tell […]
How to Keep Visitors Engaged on your Website
“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” seth godin How do you keep visitors engaged on your website? This seems to be getting more challenging each year. Just look at how the technology landscape has changed in the last 8+ years. According to Chiefmartec, the technology landscape started out with approximately […]