Review Authenticity Policy

Last modified: April 1, 2022

The Authenticity Policy (the “Authenticity Policy”) lays out the requirements for a client’s content (e.g. ratings, reviews, questions, answers, and stories) to be considered Authentic. “Authentic Content” means content that, to the best of SiteVibes knowledge is transparent and free from any fabrication, modification, or fraudulent activities (“Purpose”). The Authenticity Policy applies to all content submission formats to SiteVibes platform (“Platform”), including: without limitation: content submitted for subsequent publishing to SiteVibes client websites; content remaining in the SiteVibes database and not to be published to client websites; Third Party Content (as defined, below); content collected via alternative mediums and subsequently submitted for display by SiteVibes such as paper surveys; Interested Content by Interested Submitters (both as further defined, below); content used for advertising purposes; or any other means by which submitted content may be utilized. As further laid out in below, failure to comply with the Authenticity Policy may lead to actions including client termination. In order for content to be considered Authentic Content it must meet the following requirements:

Submission of content

SiteVibes may pass content through risk-based filtering systems to limit fraudulent content and spam from being posted on clients’ websites (SiteVibes AI Moderation). SiteVibes will use reasonable commercial efforts to detect and prevent submission of inauthentic content such as:

  • Content submitted to a client website by a direct competitor of said client;
  • Attempts by clients to self-promote products or services through content submissions that are not fully disclosed (through a badging system) as having originated from client; and
  • Attempts by clients to degrade or otherwise alter the aggregate rating and/or sentiment of content submitted on other client websites; and
  • SiteVibes will obstruct attempts by users seeking to disrupt client site functionality through mass advertising campaigns, trolling, and attempts at automated content submission.
Content Moderation

Otherwise appropriate and relevant negative content will not be hidden, suppressed, edited, or deleted; additionally, spelling and grammatical errors in content will post “as is”, and not undergo any editing or correcting process.

  • SiteVibes and Clients may moderate all content submitted to the SiteVibes Platform.
  • Clients are prohibited from rejecting content solely on the basis of star rating or review sentiment.
  • Content containing typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors will be approved, unless the errors materially interfere with other users’ ability to read and interpret the content.
  • Neither SiteVibes nor client may edit the content in any way.
  • Clients may reject content only if the content violates agreed-upon moderation guidelines between SiteVibes and Client and must submit reasons for content rejection.

Content originating from any individual or entity with a known financial interest in the product or service upon which the content is submitted, (including, but not limited to: employees of the client; industry experts acting in an official capacity; manufacturers; agents; retailers; and, any individual that requested, encouraged, or otherwise allowed to submit content in exchange for monetary payment or other valuable remuneration (free samples, coupons, discounts, loyalty rewards, contests, sweepstakes etc.) (respectively, “Endorsements” and “Endorsers”)) must be disclosed as Endorsements by Endorsers.

  • Clients must notify SiteVibes of any and all known Endorsements and Endorsers. Endorsements must contain a full, easily-identifiable disclosure via text within the content or a badge indicating that Endorser’s relationship with the client.
  • All Endorsements must comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and regulatory guidance.
  • Endorsements must reflect the honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experience of the Endorser.
  • An Endorsement may not convey any express or implied representation that would be deceptive if made directly by the client.
  • The Endorser must have been a bona fide user of the product, service, etc., for which s/he is submitting an Endorsement.
  • If there is a representation that an Endorser is an industry expert, then the Endorser’s qualifications must in fact give the Endorser the expertise that s/he is represented as possessing with respect to the Endorsement.
  • All incentivized submissions must be badged or otherwise identified as such. Under no circumstances may incentivized programs base the incentive, either directly or indirectly, on the sentiment of the submitted content. Clients may not display content where the submitter was asked, coached, or coerced into submitting content that has a particular sentiment. This applies to both a disingenuous star rating and/or the text entered into a free text field.
Legacy content

Legacy content existing with the client prior to the relationship with SiteVibes will be imported without restriction. If a client wishes to import content into SiteVibes platform after becoming a SiteVibes client, that content must be accompanied by submitter IP address, original submission time, and submitter display name.

Third party content

Content may be integrated from a third-party site (“Third Party Content”) onto the Platform provided:

  • It is fully disclosed as having been submitted indirectly into the SiteVibes Platform, for example, via a badging process;
  • Certain specified required data fields are included as part of the Third Party Content submission process; and
  • It has passed through the SiteVibes AI Moderation prior to being displayed by SiteVibes.
Violations of the policy

SiteVibes may, at its sole discretion, audit content that client has rejected to confirm compliance with the Authenticity Policy.

In the event a client fails to comply with the provisions of the Authenticity Policy, then the parties will follow the Escalation Process. The Escalation Process is as follows:

  • For initial violations of the Authenticity Policy, SiteVibes Client Success team will notify Client’s day-to-day business contact to discuss the particular violation and provide any assistance needed to ensure such violations do not recur;
  • For recurring violations, SiteVibes will escalate internally to the CEO & CTO, who will speak directly with the individual counterpart having a substantially similar function to that of the EVP of Client Services. If the violations persist, then SiteVibes may, in its sole discretion, remove badging and/or content from the SiteVibes-controlled portions of the affected websites, including any sites the content may syndicate to, or terminate the Agreement and refund any prepaid amounts for Services not yet rendered after the date of termination.

Violations of this Policy include, but are not limited to:

  • Suppression or deletion of content solely on the basis of star rating or review sentiment (e.g. rejecting all “one star” ratings);
  • Not revealing or disclosing the existence of Endorsements